[BBC] 全球怪象 / Global Weirding

影片名: 全球怪象 / Global Weirding
纪录片类型: 探索
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
豆瓣链接: 24754496
IMDb链接: 2335271
首播: 2012
集数: 1
制作商: BBC
影片简介: Something weird seems to be happening to our weather - it appears to be getting more extreme.
In the past few years we have shivered through two record-breaking cold winters and parts of the country have experienced intense droughts and torrential floods. It is a pattern that appears to be playing out across the globe. Hurricane chasers are recording bigger storms and in Texas, record-breaking rain has been followed by record-breaking drought.
Horizon follows the scientists who are trying to understand what's been happening to our weather and investigates if these extremes are a taste of what is to come.

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